• Open Hours: Mon - Sat 9.00 - 18.00

Corporate Client

Corporate Client

We aspire to lead in the realms of ESG and sustainability, actively contributing to discussions and elucidating key issues. This commitment is evident in the calibre and depth of advice, as well as the products we provide to our clients.

Our Objectives Encompass:

1. Providing investment products that endorse impactful and socially responsible themes.
2. Backing the shift to a low-carbon economy in both advisory and capital markets, which includes supporting the issuance of green and sustainable bonds.
3. Striving for the complete integration of ESG principles into investment research.
4. Establishing sustainability as the standard practice throughout our entire firm.

70% of the corporate clients we serve have indicated that they are in the process of implementing or updating their sustainability strategies. 500 Billion USD.

Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 would require an annual investment ranging from 500 Billion USD

Supporting Deals That Matters
Empowering Impactful Transactions Within Global Banking, our commitment is to contribute to transactions that hold significance, offering capital-raising and strategic advisory services to companies dedicated to generating positive impact.

Pitching and structuring green and sustainable bond opportunities for both financial institutions and corporate clients meticulously evaluating all transactions, scrutinizing and restricting business in certain sectors, and completely abstaining from involvement in others.
Advocating for ESG disclosure practices.

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